Volunteers Urgently Needed to be Peer Companions to Aging Island Residents

There is an urgent need for Island residents to become peer companions to older Island adults who are lonely, homebound, and/or isolated. Both male and female volunteers are needed for the peer companion program. Volunteers do not provide nursing cares or housekeeping; they simply spend time with people, listening and sharing conversation.

Island residents are currently waiting for volunteer matches. For more information or to volunteer, please contact Ann Bennett with Neighbor to Neighbor at (920) 743-7800 or Christine Andersen with the Washington Island Community Health Program at (920) 847-2108

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The Washington Island Community Health Program (WICHP) seeks to empower and support Washington Island residents across generations to make informed choices for a successful, healthy, safe and independent lifestyle. WICHP establishes links between Island residents and service providers not available on Washington Island.

Find Us

1765 Town Line Rd,
Washington Island, WI 54246

P.O.Box                                        277, Washington Island, WI 54246

Walk-in Hours
Tuesday: 11am – 2pm Wednesday: 10am – 1pm    Friday: 1pm – 4pm