Current Walk-in Hours: Monday - Friday 12pm - 4pm


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 WICHP Luncheon Recordings 

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 2018-2024 Supporters

 Leave a Legacy

  WICHP is a private non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that is solely funded by grants and donations.

  P.O. Box: 277
  Washington Island, WI 54246

  Phone: (920) 847-2108

WICHP's Planned Giving Program

     Estate, legacy, or planned giving is an effective way to take care of yourself, the people you love, and the charities that are important to you. Washington Island Community Health Program would like to help you leave a lasting legacy after you are gone. By joining our Legacy Circle and including a gift to WICHP in your overall estate and financial plans, you can provide your estate with considerable tax benefits and help others in our community to live a healthy and independent lifestyle for years to come.

     Legacy gifts, passing from one generation onto the next, represents the opportunity to preserve your legacy and use your finances to make an impact on others. Gifts are typically distributed after the donor has passed away and can be made up of a specific dollar amount, a percentage of your assets, life insurance, or personal property. Legacy gifts can be made simply by listing WICHP as the beneficiary of an asset in your Will.

     This philanthropic practice represents the perfect opportunity to make a lasting impact on our future Island community.

      For more information on including WICHP in your estate and financial plans, please contact the WICHP Office at 920-847-2108.

     Thank you for considering this opportunity!